Supporting churches with targeted training to build the Kingdom of God.
Being disciples of Jesus and living by biblical example means multiplication. Disciples making disciples, leaders empowering leaders, gospel proclamation and obedience-based discipleship lead to indigenous churches (usually house churches) planting other churches and exponential growth. This workshop will help you do this personally or as an existing church. And we will accompany you!
The course “The Unfinished Story” offers an exciting overview of God's mission from Genesis to the Gospels and the worldwide Christian movement spanning more than two thousand years to our current situation.
If we know what the other person really needs; if we learn to recognize his spiritual need, we can meet this need with the gospel by sensitively bringing him God's message of reconciliation.
We are all shaped by our culture, but even more so by our personal life story.
If you are interested in one of the courses or just want to tell us something, write to us! Let us know how we can support you in your local church.
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